2 Days Until Blood Ties – We’re gearing up for the Comikaze Expo Launch…

558CoverBloodTIesI pulled into L.A. yesterday, got settled in, and immediately got to work on updating our register for the mad-dash to the Comikaze finish line on Sunday. We’ve still got a LOT of setup to do in the morning, and I’m trying something new with elevating our spiderwall for the big banners. We didn’t have as many volunteers for this show, and none of them had the height I need to do our normal pipe-and-drape rig. Fortunately, I came up with a  workaround that may end up being superior to the original.  I won’t know for sure until we get it all suspended and there are folks in the booth. Hopefully it won’t be a disaster. Somebody sacrifice a chicken for me on that one.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, I was delighted to lay the three stacks of Blood Ties on the table. They’re nestled in between Chemical Burn on the right and Best of Penny Dread Tales on the left. Best of PDT, by the way, contains the origination story for how Jake Lasater and Cole McJunkins met in San Francisco. That short story, called “Lasater’s Lucky Left” is what basically starts this whole Blood War Chronicles thing off. The short story is bit of a prologue to the series, in fact, and yes, I envisioned that when I wrote it 4 or so years ago.

So, if you liked PDT in general and/or Lasater’s Lucky Left specifically, you really shot get a copy of Blood Ties. And if you enjoyed or are enjoying Blood Ties, you really should get a copy of Best of Penny Dread Tales. They’re sort of made for each other like peanut butter and chocolate.

On that note, I have to get up uber early in the morning, so I’m signing off. I’ll see you at Comikaze Expo tomorrow.




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